Steam Powered Radio

A Collection of Non-Memorable Radio Memorabilia

Sparta Electronic Corporation


As far as I know, this is the largest collection of Sparta equipment manuals on the web. I always had a fascination with Sparta equipment and own quite a few pieces. If you are trying to restore or repair a Sparta console, I have a number of drawings that I have made from various sources. The console overall drawings are made from consoles in my posession. Since these are drawn from my consoles and were done by simply tracing wire numbers or continuity checks, there could be errors in the schematics. I have attempted to be as accurate as possible but, well, mistakes can happen and your console may be of a different vintage than mine. But, these overall schematics should give you a really good starting point. Some of the electronics were drawn by removing cards from my consoles and scanning and then carefully drawing them in CAD and ExpressPCB. Again, my version of the boards could differ from yours. Use caution. As I do further restoration work I will continue to add additional schematics or updates.


If you have come here seeking info and you have something in your files that I don't, please let me know and maybe we can work out a way to get your info up here for others to use. I do not own a A20 console and would love to get an overall schematic for it. I am also short on Sparta cart machine manuals. There are also some transmitter types that are impossible to find. Anyone got a schematic for the 720B or 700 low power AM transmitters? Or any of the Spartamation equipment?

FM Transmitters





AM Transmitters





Cart Machines



Audio Console Complete Manuals




Console Schematics











Studio Equipment