Thank You Page
A list of the folks who have contributed to making Steam Powered Radio the success it is. Here they are in no particular order. Thank you to you all!
Clint Weyrauch. PD of KTIM AM&FM, San Rafael, California. Long Live The North Bay Noise!
Steve DeMena. KFAC AM&FM, Los Angeles, California
Richard A. Mckelvey. American Forces Network. Sent me a ton of stuff after an EBay purchase!
John Scherer. Entercom, San Francisco, Radio IT Manager.
Lester Temple. KITS Production person.
Michael Smith. Entercom, San Francisco, Director of Engineering.
Stan Bunger. KCBS AM Morning Anchor
Brian Henry, Henry Communications
Tim Ryan. KCBS AM Reporter
Jim Tonne of Moseley Associates from the mid 1960's to early 1980's. Thanks for all the cool stuff! Jim's website with lots of design programs can be found HERE
Steve Callahan. Engineer at Entercom Radio in Boston.
Dave Wigfield. Owner and operator of Steam Powered Radio
A whole lot of sellers on eBay.