KCBS Hallway

WOW! A picture of the hallway leading to the newsroom and the KCBS studios, with lots of awards on the walls and the cool KCBS clock that was used in the TV commercial_jpg - 36K

OK. Well, you have made it up to our studios on the 32nd floor of the lovely Embarcadero Center One building. If you would like, go to one of the windows and check out the fine view of the San Francisco Bay Area that we have from our lofty vantage point. Go ahead, we'll wait. We've now made it past the reception area and are now looking down the corridor that will lead you to KCBS. The newsroom is through the doors on your left and the studios are on the right. The plaques lining the walls are just a few of the many awards won by the KCBS news staff. The large clock at the end of the hallway is the prop used in the famous KCBS TV commercial.

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Updated 8/11/98

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