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We're looking into the main air studio at KCBS. The microphone on the right is for the sports person and also used for in-studio interviews. The microphone on the far left is for the Co-Anchor. The Anchor, who sits in the middle position has control over all of the audio you hear on the station. The six black boxes with the yellow and green buttons are cart machines. We use them to play the tape cartridges that have recorded news stories and commercials on them. There are also three cart machines in front of the sports position to allow the sports person to play their recorded stories. The Anchor also has a computer terminal tied into the newsroom computer to receive stories, weather, etc.


All cart machines with one exception are ITC Deltas. The console is a 15 channel Ward-Beck that has been heavily modified in house for our use. All microphones are Electro-Voice RE-20s. Not shown but to the rear of the console are two racks, one containing two Otari MX5050 reel to reel tape machines, a Tascam 122MIII cassette machine and PR&E LS-20 audio selectors. The other rack has the console power supplies, AM transmitter remote controls, microphone audio processing, and Telos 1A2 interface and model 100 hybrids.

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Updated 8/11/98

©Copyright DRW 1997