KCBS Transmitter

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Ah. Now you are looking at the phasor and main transmitter. The phasor is closest to you. The phasor was built by Kintronics in Tennessee. The coppery looking pipes coming out of the top of the phasor and transmitter are called feed lines. These feed lines are 3-1/8 inches in diameter and are used to carry the transmitter power. The four closest to you connect to the antennas, the four next to each other bring the signal into the phasor from the three transmitters and also connect to the dummy load. The dummy load is in another room and simulates an antenna. It allows us to test a transmitter at full power with out putting it on the air. The feed line coming out of the main transmitter connects to the phasor.

Coming soon. Pictures of the inside of the phasor. Watch for them at a web site near you.

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Contact Dave Wigfield at

Updated 9/2/98

©Copyright DRW 1997