This is a close-up of one of the solid state amplifier modules that are used in the DX50 transmitter. There are a total of 143 of these modules in the transmitter. 128 modules are used in the power amplifier section to create 50,000 watts of power to feed the antenna. 14 more are used as driver amps to supply low level radio frequency power to the power amplifier stage and one module is used to drive the drivers (a pre-driver).
The copper fins are called heat sinks and the transistors (mosfets) are attached to these. You can see one of the mosfets clearly connected to the left side of the heatsink. It looks like a black square with a silver dot on it. There are eight mosfets on each amplifier module. The heat sinks radiate heat generated by the mosfets and help keep them cool. The large orange blobs are capacitors and the white tubes are fuses. The cylinders with colored stripes are resistors.
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Updated 9/2/98