KCBS Transmitter

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Now we are looking at racks five through seven. In rack five the blue panel near the top is a parametric audio equalizer to adjust the bass and treble of the audio. Next is a Orban Optimod 9100 audio processor. The audio processor adjusts the volume of the audio automatically so that the sound you hear on the air is neither too loud or too soft. This Orban feeds the Main transmitter. Below that is a Roh audio monitor panel. It allows us to select one of 16 audio sources to listen to. Next is a audio patch bay. It allows us change how the audio audio signals are routed from equipment to equipment by plugging in cords with connectors on them. If a piece of audio equipment fails we can patch around it and substitute another unit with out having to actually rewire anything. Below the patch bay is another Orban 9100 Optimod. This one is for the back up transmitters. Next is a receiver. Below that is a gray box with a green screen. This is a Sage EAS (Emergency Alert System- the new Emergency Broadcast System) encoder/decoder. Next is a graphic audio equalizer for our 10,000 watt transmitter and at the bottom is our Studio Transmitter Link receiver. It receives audio from our studio.

Rack six contains, from the top, a two-way transmitter/receiver, a FM modulation monitor and amplifier for monitoring our FM station Alice@97.3(KLLC). The four large meters monitor the amount of radio frequency (RF) current going to each of the four towers. Next is a terminal adaptor and codec for our digital audio line from the studio. A monitor amplifier for the FM and a telephone round out this rack.

Rack seven contains what is basically a mini studio in case we have to broadcast from the transmitter site. This equipment has been replaced by a complete studio built into the bomb shelter in the building but we keep it in the rack just in case.

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Contact Dave Wigfield at

Updated 10/22/98

©Copyright DRW 1997