KCBS Studio J

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Racks 5 to 9 in Studio J. These contain speaker amplifiers for the air studios, off air monitoring equipment and transmitter remote controls.


Rack 9 on the left contains the monitor amps for Studios A & B, on air lighting SSRs, and house PA equipment. Rack 8 has the patch bays for Studios A & B. Rack 7 has the studio switcher and patchbay, an Aphex compellor, two SAS router control heads for studios A & B, air monitor DAs, TFT AM mod monitor, a Roh audio monitor/selector, Potomac Instruments RC16 remote control,a couple of power supplies and power amps, and all of our CBS radio networks NET ALERT receivers. Rack 6 has two patchable variable attenuators, a Ses-Com oscillator, patchbays, Studio J router monitor amp, Studio J router control head, 16 channel SAS router control interface and the monitor and keyboard for the SAS Studio J and newsroom remote control. The router control interface, controlled by computers, allows us to program the router to switch audio and start tape machines to record or playback audio automatically. Rack 5 has a patchable Orban para-graphic equalizer, phone line monitoring meters, patchbays, master impulse clock driver, more DAs, and Aphex equalizers and compressors for the three RPU receiver sites used for our traffic airplanes. The two computers at the bottom of the rack are for the SAS router remote control. One for the newsroom and one for Studio J

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Contact Dave Wigfield at

Updated 9/10/99

©Copyright DRW 1997