KCBS Studio J

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This is the MASTER CONTROL area also known as Studio J. There are nine very full racks of equipment in this room. All of the audio signals that come into or go out of KCBS come through this room. The remote controls that allow us to control and watch over the KCBS transmitter plant are also located in here. The black rack in the foreground is our Sierra Automated Systems 96x64 audio routing system. The router is currently configured for 32 stereo and 64 mono inputs with 64 stereo outputs. It was an interesting job adding all of the new wiring for it, but it sure has made our lives easier. Though you can only see a few carts, behind you on the walls is storage for over 1500.

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Contact Dave Wigfield at

Updated 9/10/99

©Copyright DRW 1997