KCBS Studio I

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We used a 30" PR&E turret as the basis for this console. We needed something that was not too fancy and tailored to the needs of our traffic reporters. The electronics are contained in a box below and to the left. Standard 5532 stuff. The first module is a PR&E Digitimer. Next is a meter module. The next module is for the microphone. The two modules after that are talk-back to the studios, Editors and the two-way system, plus two-way monitor volume. Next is the module for our main two-way frequency. After this is a multi-input module that selects one of three receivers that we have located around the Bay Area for our airplanes or the audio from the SAS router. The next module is used to select the Shadow Traffic studio line, cart machine with machine control and the telephone interface. Next comes the monitor module and bringing up the rear is a ESE timecode clock tied into our master clock system.

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Questions or comments about the tour?
Contact Dave Wigfield at

Updated 8/11/98

©Copyright DRW 1997