KCBS Studio D

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We are now looking into Studio D. Amazingly enough this studio was used as the main production room until 1991. It is now used now by our Traffic Department to dub agency commercials onto cart. (The traffic department in this instance is not the same people who report traffic news. The name refers to those hard working people who put together the daily program log that tells the on air folks what commercials and programs are played when).


The equipment used in this room... Broadcast Audio BA12 console, Panasonc SV-4100 dat machine, DGS audio box, Sony CD player, Tascam 122MKIII cassette deck, PR&E Micro Max cart Machines, and Otari MX5050 MKIII reel to reel tape machines. Microphones are RE-20s and Sennheiser 421s.

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Questions or comments about the tour?
Contact Dave Wigfield at

Updated 10/4/98

©Copyright DRW 1997