KCBS Studio C

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A close up of our Orban Audicy digital audio editor. This unit allows our production people to edit audio in a digital form. Audio is turned into a digital code and stored on hard disks in the computer. The production person can then edit the audio removing what they don't like or change the position of words and phrases in the computer instead of having to cut and splice tape like we did back in the days of steam powered radio. If they make a mistake they can undo the edit and the original audio is still on the hard disk and can then be re-edited. The audio quality is also far superior to tape (a good comparison is the difference between your cassette tape and a CD).


This is a view of the control surface for the Audicy. On the left are ten audio tracks. Each track can be assigned some kind of DSP, Eventide effects, compression or equalization. In the middle of the work surface are the navigation controls and the scrub wheel. On the right are the edit controls and audio locator controls. All editing is done in RAM on the computer. Our Audicy has 256mb and can hold 70 minutes of 32kHz uncompressed audio. The unit also has a Iomega JAZ drive for archival storage.

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Questions or comments about the tour?
Contact Dave Wigfield at

Updated 7/31/99

©Copyright DRW 1997