Trash Talk is a radio feature dedicated to informing listeners about all aspects of waste prevention in an interesting and entertaining manner (at least as much as sixty-seconds will allow!). The segment is unique and was developed by Betsy Rosenberg, a long-time KCBS newscaster, who decided to take her passion for waste prevention public. Her goal is to generate global awareness about the impact of our disposal habits on the environment and to initiate individual action. A lot of small changes can make a BIG difference!
Trash Talk was launched exclusively on KCBS, All News 74 during Earth Week 1997 and has generated significant listener interest from the start. Betsy has received an award from the Business Environmental Network and dozens of letters, all of them positive and enthusiastic! In an effort to hear more about what out listeners would like to hear on Trash Talk in the future, we invite you to E-Mail us with your questions, comments, ideas, etc.
The feature can be heard at nine different times each week. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday Trash Talk airs at 11:26am and again at 7:22pm the same evening. In the true spirit of recycling we re-play them on weekends as well. The air times are Saturday at 1:26pm and Sunday at 11:26am and 5:26pm.
The segment offers practical tips on how to reduce unnecessary waste at home and at work, highlights innovative "waste watchers"...people, programs, products, etc, and reports on current topics/trends/events in the recycling field.
While recycling is a key element in efforts to reduce waste, Trash Talk emphasizes the need for all of us to go beyond sorting our garbage. If we are going to divert fifty percent of our trash from going to the landfill by the year 2000 (as required by law here in California) we must re-use more, and reduce what we produce/consume/dispose. In the feature, Betsy provides many ways to do all of that and reminds us why our waste matters!
Questions or comments
Updated 01/08/99