The lovely recreational facilities at KCBS

Since we have the picture of our staff refrigerator, I felt it necessary to include this one too. This is the KCBS hot tub. This is where, after a busy day of chasing down the news, the KCBS staff comes to sit, relax and reflect on the busy day that has just passed.

As you can see, CBS has not skimped on extras for this facility, from the hand hewn, unfinished pine boards to the extremely cost efficient and environmentally friendly skylights that not only provide improper illumination but also contribute additional warming to the water during daylight hours when body heat alone is insufficient. Safety was also a prime concern in the design of this facility. Please note the convenient stairway for easy ingress and egress of the water and the OSHA approved safety rope under Rebeccas right arm.

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Updated 01/08/99