KCBS Refrigerator

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We had so many requests for this (well, actually only one) that we just had to include it. Here it is the KCBS refrigerator. This lovely, designer, color co-ordinated, food preservation unit accentuates the decor of the KCBS lunch room and fills us with both inner peace and terror whenever we have to come near it. Within its roomy interior are food stuffs with expiration dates representing the last three decades of the twentieth century. The hands belong to Jesse Waters, who is the promotions director here at KCBS and also "THE" hands model for any pictures taken on the 32nd floor. We would like to point out that in order to get this photo, Jesse had to stand within the "Minimum Safe Distance" as dictated by Cal OSHA for this fridge.

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©Copyright DRW 1998

Updated 01/08/99