Dave Wigfield

Maintenance Engineer
Tour Guru

Kelli and I at the Yukon River .jpg - 38.4 K

Dave has been with KCBS and Alice@97.3 for 10 years. He came to CBS after being chief engineer for KKHI AM & FM for seven years (KKHI was purchased by Westinghouse in 1994 and the call letters were changed to KPIX AM & FM. KPIX radio has since been sold.). Prior to this he was chief operator for KFAC AM & FM in Los Angeles, chief engineer for KTIM AM & FM, San Rafael, California and KMPX FM, San Francisco. Dave started his radio career in high school, where he was chief engineer for KPVH (Pinole Valley High), a 50 watt un-licensed station on 850khz.

Electronics has been his hobby since he was 15 and he is also into using EasyCAD for documenting station projects. Dave also does the engineering for San Rafael High Schools student radio station, KSRH, 88.1 F.M.

Easily the best looking member of the KCBS engineering staff, Dave lives with his 11 year old daughter, Kelli, a seven year old tortiseshell cat named Indy, Solano, a nine year old black lab retired guide dog, and Sierra, a 2 year old black lab/doberman mix also known as "The Brainless Wonder".

He is currently struggling to create a HO scale version of the defunct BOCA and LOYALTON Railroad.

Dave and Kelli recently returned from a extended vacation in Alaska , where upon he proclaimed the Bay Area "unlivable" and hopes to win Lotto so that he can homestead somewhere in the tundra.

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Questions or comments
about the tour?
Contact Dave Wigfield at

©Copyright DRW 1998

Updated 11/07/98