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View of the Co-Anchors position in the air studio. As you can see the Co-Anchor also has a NEWSTAR computer terminal and three cart machines.


You will also notice a old Audicord cart machine to the left of the ITC machines. This machine is used by the Co-Anchor to preview carts. The Co-Anchor has no control over the cart machines other than start/stop. The first Delta, however, does have a VCA control that allows the Co-Anchor to fade a cart if necessary. That's what the small panel over cart 1 is. On this machine, if you start a cart from the cart machine start/stop switches the VCA is set for unity gain and the level control is out of the circuit. If you start the machine from the VCA panel the VCA is in circuit and you have control over the audio level. It really is more useful than you might think at first.

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Contact Dave Wigfield at

Updated 1/07/99

©Copyright DRW 1997