KCBS Newsroom

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This is the Co-Editors side of the desk. The area is laid out pretty much like the Editors side. From the right we have the Newstar terminal, a panel with the two way microphone and scanners. Next is the panel with phone line select and intercom for the digital audio lines. Below it are the Co-Editors recording cassette deck and cart machine. The funny white box with the goose neck microphone is the control head for the old RSNS (Radio Station News Service) satellite system. This system allowed any CBS news location to talk or send audio to any other news location via satellite. It could also be set up to feed multiple sites in the event of a big story that needed to be fed network wide. There was also a portable fly away dish that could be set up out in the field. Next are two racks full of cassette machines to record various incoming audio sources.

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Contact Dave Wigfield at

Updated 1/07/99

©Copyright DRW 1997