KCBS Newsroom

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You're looking at the KCBS newsroom. We are standing at the rear of the newsroom near Studio G looking towards the entrance. Nearest to you is one of two quad work stations for the reporters, news writers and production assistants. Beyond that is the Editor and Co-Editors desk. The Editors desk is on the left and the Co-Editor is on the right. At the KCBS editors desk this hour is Tom Lippi. Behind Tom's head you can see Studio I, the traffic studio, and beyond that you can see into the main studio, Studio A. Behind the Co-Editors head, you can see into Studio J, master control, and Studio B beyond it. The box on the wall above the editor is the old annunciator system. The editor could light up the panels individually to alert people as to which phone line was needed for on air or what studio was in use. There is a duplicate panel in Studio A. We don't use it any more but it still looks good on the wall.

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Updated 1/07/99

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