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A close-up of the equipment racks to the left of the production director.


Starting with the upper left rack we have a Telos 100 hybrid and Telos 1A2 interface. Below the Telos is the FM DGS Audio digital commercial delivery box. The next rack has a Tascam 122MK2 cassette machine a Panasonic SV3700 DAT machine and a LS-20 audio selector. To the right of this is another Tascam cassette deck, two PR&E distribution amplifiers and a LS-4 audio selector. The turret to the right has a DBX compressor for guest mic processing, a Symetrix model 500 processor for the main mic, a vcr, a Sony DAT machine and a Eventide M3500 Dynamic Ultra-Harmonizer. Below the overhead rack on the left is a turntable, Otari MX5050 MK4 reel to reel and the Orban DSE7000 digital audio editor.

At the upper left is a bottle of liquid courage and fortitude for those long hard days in the production room.

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Questions or comments about the tour?
Contact Dave Wigfield at

Updated 01/12/99

©Copyright DRW 1997