Twirly Alice Logo

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Another shot of some of the equipment on the DJ's side. You can see the four Denon CD players that are used to play all of the music that you hear on Alice.


Starting with the left cabinet we have at the top a UREI equalizer for microphones three and four. Below that is the comp/limiter for those mics. Next are two Orban digital mic processors for the announcer and main guest mic (mics one and two). Next is a TFT 911 EAS endec. Below that is a PR&E LS-10 for the console. On the bottom are six RS 2000 cart machines. At the top of the center cabinet is the old EBS receiver, a monitor for our Moseley FM remote control with a status and direct control panels immediately underneath. To the right is a TFT FM modulation monitor, a TFT 7610 remote control and direct control/Status panel (both KLLC and KCBS have two remote controls connected in parallel with different data paths for redundancy), two Radio Systems DA16 distribution amps and a LS-4 switcher panel for the tape machines and studio switching. Below this are the four Denon DF-951 CD players. Out of view below the table top is a rack with a headphone equalizer, a Tascam skimmer cassette machine, patchbays and a Crown D-150 monitor amp. To the right of the CD players is a lift up panel that hides the only turntable in the air studio and a cart rack with liners and id's.

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Contact Dave Wigfield at

Updated 01/12/99

©Copyright DRW 1997